A cardinal, nuthatch, bluebird, chickadee, goldfinch, cedar waxwing and hummingbird have arrived to celebrate the joys of friendship. Now you can enjoy their beauty in your own home with the Glorious Gathering Wall Decor, available in a limited edition exclusively from The Bradford Exchange. This James Hautman wall decor features his gorgeous artwork of seven songbirds on a blooming branch.This songbird home decor recreates Mr. Hautmans vibrant artwork on a sweeping, nearly two-foot-long horizontal panel of real glass. The glass is set within a gracefully arched mahogany-finish frame. Most wonderful of all is the built-in system of LED lights that illuminate the art from within at the touch of a switch. With its cordless design and included remote control, you can place this warm and welcoming statement piece above a doorway, window or in a place of prominence in your home. Strong demand is expected for this stained glass wall decor, so don't wait. Order now!
Buy Glorious Gathering Stained Glass Songbird Illuminated Wall Decor