Santa wasn't always a jolly, white-bearded man in a red suit. In fact, this beloved holiday icon didn't make his initial appearance until 1931, thanks to the popular advertising campaign of COCA-COLA®. Now an exclusive COCA-COLA train collection invites you to get on board with a nostalgic tribute to over 75 years of this classic Santa. Your refreshing journey begins with Issue One, the COCA-COLA diesel locomotive. Soon your collection will continue with Issue Two, a classic train car, which includes the FREE 16-piece HO gauge track, and Issue Three, a passenger train car, which includes your FREE power pack. Additional train cars, each a separate issue, will follow.‡Each exciting issue in this collectible train set showcases vintage, full-color COCA-COLA advertising art and slogans spanning the decades, beginning with the 1930s. Available only from The Bradford Exchange, Hawthorne Village Division, this COCA-COLA train collection is fully authorized by The COCA-COLA company and is precision-scaled to run on HO-gauge track. Plus $100 in FREE accessories gets you on track for a heartwarming trip through the memories of Christmas past. Don't wait to take a grand holiday ride with two American institutions. Order now!
Buy COCA-COLA Christmas Express Train Collection: Through The Years