"From humble beginnings, the railroads grew to have over 375,000 miles of track, serving an ever-growing nation. Now, like the railroad barons of old, you can expand your own collectible HO-gauge train display with the Super Track Pack Train Accessory Collection, available only from The Bradford Exchange, Hawthorne Village Division. Beginning with Issue One, Track Pack, including ten 9-1/2"" straight tracks with two FREE adapters, your collection will continue with Issue Two, Track Multi-Pack, including four 9"" straight tracks and six 9"" radius curved tracks, Issue Three, Two Remote Turnouts, and additional HO-scale accessory sets, each set a separate issue to follow..Each issue in this collection will allow you to create larger and more intricate layouts with your existing train display, and can operate smoothly on a floor, table or carpet. Extend track length, make locomotive loops and turns, and switch your trains between two sets of track remotely - the excitement increases with each HO-scale accessory set you collect. No tools required! You won't find a finer value anywhere. Order now!"
Buy Super Track Pack HO-Gauge Train Accessory Collection