"From his miraculous birth to his glorious ascension to Heaven, the life of Christ was a story of perfect faith and humility. Now, this Thomas Kinkade Life of Christ Sculpture brings new expression to that wondrous story. A Bradford Exchange exclusive inspired by the faith-based artistry of Thomas Kinkade, this extraordinary Christ sculpture is fully dimensional and handcrafted in the exacting artistic traditions of Rhodes Studios.This limited-edition Masterpiece Sculpture leads your eye upward, beautifully illustrating five events from the life of Christ: The Nativity, healing the sick, blessing the children, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection. Each scene comes to life in exquisite detail, highlighted by hand-applied custom-blended paint colors inspired by the Renaissance. Grandly sized at a foot high on a mahogany-finished base, it bears a golden plaque with His words, ""I am with you always,"" as a precious reminder of His eternal love. Extraordinary demand is expected for this spectacular Thomas Kinkade Life of Christ Sculpture, so don't wait. Order now!"
Buy Thomas Kinkade Life Of Christ Sculpture