"In its metamorphosis from humble cocoon to gossamer wonder, the butterfly is an enduring symbol of change and transformation. And with any change, it all begins with hope and the faith that miracles can happen. Now, this powerful symbol soars with the first-ever Thomas Kinkade Gardens of Paradise Sculpture Collection, limited-edition crystalline butterfly sculptures, exclusively from The Bradford Exchange. Your collection begins with Issue One, Faith. Soon your collection will continue with Issue Two and additional sculptures in this Thomas Kinkade butterfly sculpture collection, each a separate issue to follow.‡Each of the butterfly sculptures in this collection is handcrafted of sparkling crystalline with deeply faceted edges that capture and reflect light - just like costly cut crystal. The flawless clarity of the crystalline creates a luminous ""frame"" for Mr. Kinkade's glorious garden art - with its lush flowers and blossoming trees - on each butterfly's outstretched wings. Lustrous sliver plating on the faux-jeweled antennae enhance each shimmering butterfly. As a meaningful finishing touch, precious words from Scripture convey a message that recalls your convictions. Upright display stands on the backs of your butterfly sculptures make them easy to display. Given the immense popularity of Thomas Kinkade's artwork, strong demand is expected. Don't wait, order now!"
Buy Thomas Kinkade Gardens Of Paradise Crystalline Butterfly Sculpture Collection