In times past, spirit dancers called upon their ancestors in times of need, seeking the wisdom and guidance of the great men who had gone before them. Now this stunning Spirit of the Warrior Sculpture Collection honors those ancient traditions, pairing the lasting beauty of gallery-quality cold-cast bronze sculptures like those of Frederic Remington and others with acclaimed artist Chuck Rens handsome portraits of courageous warriors. This extraordinary tribute begins with with Issue One, Summoning the Chiefs. Soon your collection will continue with Issue Two and additional Chuck Ren Native American-inspired sculptures, each a separate issue to follow.Each of the breathtaking Native American-inspired sculptures in this collection is a Bradford Exchange exclusive, intricately hand-sculpted and handcrafted in genuine cold-cast bronze, and portrays a dramatic dancer wearing ceremonial wings. Hand-applied symbolic colors honor traditional ways. Chuck Rens powerful portraits adorn each ceremonial wing, superbly recreated in vivid color and detail. As the perfect finishing touch, these impressive limited-edition sculptures are presented atop elegant mahogany-finished bases. Strong demand is expected. Don't wait, order now!
Buy Sculptures: Spirit Of The Warrior Sculpture Collection