"Those who served in the Vietnam War frequently faced challenges where strength of character and personal grit made all the difference. All that they achieved, endured, gained and lost - only a brother in arms can fully understand. Each of these American heroes has not only received the Vietnam Service Medal, but has earned our ongoing thanks and esteem as well. Now, in that spirit of appreciation, The Bradford Exchange is pleased to exclusively present the Pride and Brotherhood Sculpture, an illuminated limited-edition sculpture honoring our Vietnam veterans. This shining tribute features a fully dimensional sculpture of a bronze-hued eagle gripping a billowing American flag in its talons.The eagle is exceptionally rendered with hand detailing and textures for incredible realism and to intensify its powerful symbolism. A dramatic marbleized black base recalls the polished granite Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Showcased on the front is a hand-enameled, raised-relief medallion - based on the Vietnam Service Medal - enhanced with golden highlights. The medallion is flanked by the stirring words ""ALL GAVE SOME"" and ""SOME GAVE ALL"". With the flip of a switch, four shafts of light shine upward from the base, dramatically illuminating the eagle and flag and adding further impact to this magnificent commemorative Vietnam collectible! Demand is expected to be strong. Don't delay; order now!"
Buy Pride And Brotherhood Vietnam Veterans Illuminated Tribute Sculpture