"American bald eagles have always been enduring symbols of our freedom. And their dramatic turnaround from the endangered list have made them an Internet sensation, with millions viewing their daily life via the popular ""eagle cams."" That's why we are thrilled to introduce a Bradford Exchange exclusive: Treetop Majesty - a thrilling American bald eagle sculpture inspired by the intimate realism of the ""eagle cam"" sensation.This magnificent American bald eagle sculpture carries you right into the nest of these captivating birds. Exquisitely handcrafted of artist's resin, it captures an eagle family, including two bold parents and three endearing chicks, perched in their treetop roost. Hand-casting and careful hand-painting showcases every detail of the eagle's impressive plumage and fierce expression, creating a fully-dimensional representation of the ""eagle cam"" view and vantage point. Strong demand is expected for this limited-edition lifelike eagle collectible sculpture, so don't miss this rare opportunity. Order now!"
Buy """Eagle Cam""-Inspired American Bald Eagle Sculpture: Treetop Majesty"