Losing a loved one is never easy. Yet a little part of them lives on as we remember treasured memories that are always held close in our hearts. Now, let the immortal words of Dr. Maya Angelou help fill your heart and home with fond moments and memories of your loved one. Introducing the Dr. Maya Angelou In Loving Memory Sculpture, a limited-edition first-ever, exclusively from The Hamilton Collection. This inspirational, hand-painted angel sculpture is handcrafted in artist's resin, from the angel's compassionate expression and the hand-etched beauty of her majestic wings dusted with glitter, to her floral headpiece and handcrafted flowers on the stone-look marker bearing Dr. Angelou's uplifting words.Master Artisans hand-paint your sculpture in a rich blend of metallic and pearlescent hues, infusing it with a heavenly touch. Standing a foot tall and filled with details, it makes an impressive and eye-catching display that gently calls your loved one to mind and honors a life well lived. From the heartfelt sentiment by Dr. Angelou to the pure artistry of the angelic vision, this sculpture is sure to be a bereavement gift that lifts the heart with loving memories and inspiration. Strong demand is expected. Order now!
Buy Dr. Maya Angelou In Loving Memory Angel Sculpture