"For eight years America followed the inspiring story of Barack and Michelle Obama. From Mr. Obama's historic win to their first and second Inaugural Balls, America was captivated by the effortless grace and unwavering commitment of the President and First Lady. We invite you to join us now in honoring their hope-filled presidential story with the Barack and Michelle Obama Commemorative Tribute Sculpture, a first-of-its-kind tribute available in a limited edition exclusively from The Bradford Exchange. Our skilled artisans painstakingly capture the magic of Obama's historic presidency in this presidential tribute sculpture.Beautifully sculpted, meticulously rendered and hand-cast in the finest artist’s resin, and hand-painted with the utmost attention to detail, the President and First Lady are captured at their second historic Inaugural Ball. Standing at nearly 1 foot tall, Michelle Obama is stunning in her red gown; and President Obama is ever-distinguished in his perfectly tailored tuxedo. A metal banner backdrop features a portion of one of President Obama's final campaign speeches plus replica signatures of both President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. The base is hand-painted to recreate the look of fine marble and it bears both presidential seal and the statement: ""An American Milestone - Barack & Michelle Obama"". Strong demand is anticipated for this beautiful heirloom-quality tribute sculpture, so don't wait! Order now!"
Buy Barack And Michelle Obama Commemorative Tribute Hand-Painted Sculpture