"When Abraham Lincoln took office in 1861, few imagined he would be remembered as perhaps our greatest president. Stewarding us through the Civil War, he ensured that “government of the people, by the people...shall not perish from the earth.� Now, America’s spirit is yours to carry on with The Genuine Copper Penny Men’s Bracelet, a fine jewelry exclusive from The Bradford Exchange Mint.Inspired by America's spirit of freedom, this stylish stainless steel bracelet is expertly crafted with a two-toned, polished steel and copper-toned finish. The steel-toned center plate showcases a genuine “Wheat Ear� Lincoln Penny. Issued from 1909-1958 and rarely found in circulation today, these distinctive ""Wheaties"" feature Victor David Brenner's famous Lincoln portrait on the obverse, with the coveted ""Wheat-Ear"" design on the reverse. Each vintage coin has its own unique patina and signs of wear, so each bracelet is a true one-of-a-kind! Engraved mottoes on the front plus an Abraham Lincoln quote on the back add to the historic symbolism. Strong demand is anticipated for this copper penny jewelry, so don't delay. Order now!"
Buy The Genuine Copper Penny Men’s Stainless Steel Bracelet