"In 1861, the idea was suggested to President Lincolns Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase to add some ""indication of God's favor"" on our coinage, but it would be almost a century before it appeared on America's currency. In 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill making ""In God We Trust"" the nations official motto and the Series 1935 G Silver Certificate, printed in 1957, was the very first U.S. paper money to bear the motto. Now, this coveted currency FIRST is paired with a desirable LAST – the Series 1935 A Silver Certificate, the last bill of the series without the ""In God We Trust"" motto, in The 1935 Motto/No Motto $1 Bill Type Currency Set, available in an exclusive presentation from The Bradford Exchange Mint.These coveted $1 Bills, each over a half-century old, are Silver Certificates -discontinued currency that was once redeemable at any bank for Silver Dollars. Both bills in The Motto/No Motto $1 Bill Type Currency Set arrive in clear sleeves that let you view both sides' intricate designs while protecting them for years to come. A handsome, mahogany-finished Deluxe Display Box stores and showcases your $1 Bills and includes a convenient drawer perfect for storing the included custom booklet detailing the history of the motto, ""In God We Trust"". Strong demand is expected from the many collectors of U.S. bills, and this currency set may not last long, so don't wait. Order now!"
Buy The 1935 Motto/No Motto In God We Trust $1 Bill Type Currency Set